Friday, June 25, 2010

What Makes You.....

What makes you happy? What makes you smile? What makes you feel good? What are the things that you can't live without?

But what if you were asked to live without those things that you "CANT" live without? Would you still be happy, smile, and feel good? Would you be able to?

I have been learning a lot in the past year or so about "being happy". And I'm learning that my circumstances don't have to control my attitude.

Someone that has continued to remind me of this is Jessica Johnson. For those of you who don't know her, check out her blog! She goes to my church, she's a mom of two ADORABLE kids, but I never knew who she was until her adored husband was dignosed with cancer, and went to Heaven earlier this year. HOWEVER, I want to be respectful and not introduce her as "lady who lost her husband", because that is not true. She is a friend to many, a daughter, a mom, a sister, and most importantly, a child of a God who she loves. She also just happens to have different set of circumstances than many.

Every time I read her blog I'm blown away by her decisions to CHOOSE joy. I could go on about different examples, but I'll let you read for yourself!

I'm realizing and learning, that sometimes days or weeks come along that are...hard, heartbreaking, disappointing, or just don't go the way we planned. I'm learning that during these days I have to FIND things to be thankful for. FIND the good things that ARE there, but that I just overlook. But no matter what your day looks like, no matter what your life looks like, no matter how high the mountain may look...there is always SOMETHING to be thankful for. Jessica is proving that to me. If she can face her circumstances and still CHOOSE joy, surely we can too.

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