Friday, June 4, 2010

Mr. Steady Man

In Debbie Pearl's book "Created to be his helpmeet" she describes men in three different ways: Mr. Command Man, Mr. Visionary Man, and Mr. Steady Man.

Mr. Command Man will not yield to his wife. He is dominant, content in himself, and his wife has to EARN her place in his heart.

Mr. Visionary Man loves confrontation and change. They are "visionaries".

Mr. Steady Man is slow and cautios, he does not make snap decisions and will not spend his last dime on a new project. He gets the job done without all the bells and whisles. He is like deep, deep water, you rarely can see the movement, but nevertheless he is very strong under the surface.

I am most definatly married to Mr. Steady Man! There are so many good things about his personality traits that I often overlook or refuse to be thankful for. Debbie makes this point in her book, "His very steadiness keeps him on his middle-of-the-road course, and it will drive a controlling woman crazy." Yup, that would be us!! I am anything BUT steady, I make somewhat irrational decisions, like to take chances, and walk all over the road, not just in the middle.

But thank God for my husband! We even each other out perfectly. Which is probably why we are married, and also why we drive each other crazy sometimes. My mom said one time, "Poor Trent probably looks at you and wonders what on earth he is going to do with you and how he is going to bring some sort of control to situations." I told Trent this and he just very seriously and somewhat ditressed replied, "Yeah, that's pretty much true."

The way I see it, we make a great team. I make sure we have the glitter and he makes sure we have the glue so we can actually USE the glitter! :D

1 comment:

  1. I like your glitter analogy :) And I'm married to a steady man myself!
