Friday, June 11, 2010

What A Day...What A Week!

This week.....

...was VBS at church. I helped out with the 2's and 3's and it was so fun! The kiddos were great to be around, and the theme was "Under the Sea", so fun, but exhausting!

...we closed on our house. On Wednesday we signed all the final papers, and are officially home-owners. Fun, but exhausting!

...we started to move. We've been moving boxes every night, so its not such a huge ordeal on Saturday. Fun, but exhausting!

...I painted. I said I wasn't going to until after we moved, but I couldn't help myself. I painted tonight after work. Fun, but exhausting!

...and last but not least....

This week I locked my keys in my car....again.

I went to Home Depot today after work so I could get started painting and would hopefully be done early. Well, long story short---I came out with my gallons of paint, brushes, ect....looked in my window and there were my keys...dangling in the ignition of my locked car. Oh boy. Trent is at work with the only spare key. When I'm starting to freak out, a friend calls and says she is off work early and is coming to get me. Aaahhhh, SIGH OF RELIEF..! This part of the week so....not so fun. Just exhausting.

So after all that---I think it's safe to say that I'm TIRED. And tomorrow is moving day. I think that a large amount of Starbucks will be required :) Bring on moving day :)

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