Saturday, July 10, 2010

Exercise is NOT fun.

-This Saturday I woke up bright and early (errr...10:00a.m) and decided to go on a jog. Granted, by this time it was REALLY hot, but I ran for what seemed like 3 hours, then I got home and realized it was only 30 minutes. Ok, whatever. So anyway, later that day Trent decided it would be fun to go rollerblading and I thought it would be fun too. And the first part (the downhill part) was pretty fun. Then on the way back....we had to go back UP the hill. Not so fun. Did I mention, it was really REALLY hot? Then we decided to go jump in the pool, which also seemed like a good idea, until I had this great idea that we would have swimming races. "3 forms of exercise in 1 very healthy, athletic, good for you, ridiculous, tiring, and makes me want sit right here on the couch the rest of the night:) I think next weekend I'll stick with LAYING by the pool :)

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