Thursday, May 27, 2010

2nd Try

Ok, so I've tried this blogging thing before. This is my second try, maybe I'll have more to say this time around! I couldn't even remember what my old blog name was, so I had to make a new one. AND this time, I figured out how to put our picture on it. Very impressive, I know :)

The last couple days around our place, have been a little crazy. Maybe that's why I decided I finally had something interesting to write about on a blog.

If you haven't heard, we bought a house in Waukee and we are rreaaddy to be move. Want to know why? Here is a glimps:

We'll start with last night. I am trying to do a couple "furniture updates" before we move, so we can keep some of our old stuff, rather than buying all new. So I'm outside on our deck, painting a shelf and some end tables. The lady the lives below us (and has for 2 years), yelled up, "WHAT IS GOING ON UP THERE?!". I told her what I was doing, and she went on with her business. Then in a few minutes I hear her talking to her cats (well, the stray cats she feeds), telling them how much my paint stinks. I yell down that I am sorry, and she yells back that its getting all over her porch. I'm not sure how that is possible, but she is a little protective over her porch..eer..cement slab :)

Anyway, the story continues...

I lug all of my projects outside, to be respect of our her porch..and cats..and once I'm out there, she stands behind her curtain and watched me. But when I look over, she hides behind that curtain...with her cats...of course..
I continue painting until Trent gets home, by now its getting dark. So I let everything dry about 45 minutes, and then Trent carries them back upstairs for me. When I go to check on them this morning...I realize they were NOT dry...and that the paint peeled off...major FAIL!


  1. Congrats on starting a blog again. I started one back in Feb. but seem to slip away from keeping up with it. Well I am glad to hear that you tried a new project, but sad to hear all the trouble it seemed to cause. Hopefully your new neighbors will be a whole lot nicer. Look forward to seeming more blogs. Have a good week.

  2. Yay! I love reading friend's blogs :) Sorry about your grumpy neighbors though -- hopefully your new ones will be better! :)
