Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bachelorette Buff??

I am almost embarrassed to admit this, but I am really into this season's "Bachelorette" show. Before you puke, let me explain. If I could put a picture on here, I would (so someone tell me how to put pics on a post). Anyway, this season's bachelorette is the most adorable thing you've ever seen. She's like this sweet, girl next door, and the nicest person you'll ever on TV :D
So, why do I like watching her being swept onto these romantic dates while 25 guys try to win her heart? Well...that part is just my silly, girly, romantic kind of personality coming out. The show does make me think about real love though. As much as I'm "owed" at these helicopter rides, picnics on the beach, candlelight dinners, and romantic hot tub swims, I know this isn't real life. I've only been married a year and a half, but since last March, my view of love has changed tremendously.

Every girl dreams of being swept off her feet, getting a romantic proposal, looking like a princess on her wedding day, and flying off to the beach to an even more romantic honeymoon.

But then you get back from your honeymoon and your real life starts. And the vows you promised your husband are tested. It's easy to promise someone "for better or for worse", when you are living in the "better". Often, when Trent and I are going through a hard time or when we're fighting I'll say to myself, "Yup this is the 'for worse' part," and the 'worse' comes with the 'better'. Anyway, back to my point: My view of love has changed. Because let's face it, romance to a man will never match up exactly to a woman's. We are just different. So in conclusion...

~Love is....

~Loving my husband, more than my annoyance. Like when is pokes me with a yard stick. Which yes, he is currently doing!!

~My husband loving ME, more than my messes. It's hard to believe, but Trent is a VERY clean person and I'm well, not so much.

~Loving my husband more than my hurt feelings. Cuz let's face it, men arn't as sensitive as your girlfriends.

~Loving each other more than our own families. Leave and Cleave..that's been a hard one.

~Loving each other one the days when you look at each other and say, "Who ARE you?! And where is the person I married?!"

~Loving my husband when I go to the bathroom, sit down and realize he left the seat up. Come on, I know this has happened to you too! :D

Life is messy and marriage is even messier. Some days it's filled with burnt dinners, fighting on the TV remote, and lets face it....farting. But if we let it...those things can all be a "comic" version of our love stories. Who says love has to be perfect to be true love?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

2nd Try

Ok, so I've tried this blogging thing before. This is my second try, maybe I'll have more to say this time around! I couldn't even remember what my old blog name was, so I had to make a new one. AND this time, I figured out how to put our picture on it. Very impressive, I know :)

The last couple days around our place, have been a little crazy. Maybe that's why I decided I finally had something interesting to write about on a blog.

If you haven't heard, we bought a house in Waukee and we are rreaaddy to be move. Want to know why? Here is a glimps:

We'll start with last night. I am trying to do a couple "furniture updates" before we move, so we can keep some of our old stuff, rather than buying all new. So I'm outside on our deck, painting a shelf and some end tables. The lady the lives below us (and has for 2 years), yelled up, "WHAT IS GOING ON UP THERE?!". I told her what I was doing, and she went on with her business. Then in a few minutes I hear her talking to her cats (well, the stray cats she feeds), telling them how much my paint stinks. I yell down that I am sorry, and she yells back that its getting all over her porch. I'm not sure how that is possible, but she is a little protective over her porch..eer..cement slab :)

Anyway, the story continues...

I lug all of my projects outside, to be respect of our her porch..and cats..and once I'm out there, she stands behind her curtain and watched me. But when I look over, she hides behind that curtain...with her cats...of course..
I continue painting until Trent gets home, by now its getting dark. So I let everything dry about 45 minutes, and then Trent carries them back upstairs for me. When I go to check on them this morning...I realize they were NOT dry...and that the paint peeled off...major FAIL!